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David De La Mare, Oliver Toussaint
Technical design
Daisy Sherwill-Zopf
Guernsey, UK
Under Construction
A forever-home on Guernsey’s coast that blends sympathetic design with future practical considerations.
Our clients asked DLM to design their forever home. The design proposes a 377 m2 family home, primarily on a single level, with small level changes to break down the overall perceived mass and stagger the volumes into the topography of the surrounding context.
Our design offers lifetime enjoyment and accessibility within rational linear volumes that bury themselves into the landscape and levels of the site.
Due to the sloping nature of the property, and the lower level of the southern side of the site, it is proposed that the void below the new structure be utilised for storage, plant and services, constructed as a utilitarian and robust granite plinth to withstand any significant damage in the event of future flooding of this lower level.
Due to the exposure to extreme weather it is important to have robust areas of secure shelter for storing furniture, garden equipment and vehicles etc. particularly during the winter months. Domestic sheds will not withstand the harsh conditions, so it makes sense to use this lower level and contain everything within the volume of the dwelling rather than additional outbuildings.
The base also sets a datum to the variable ground levels with the single-storey volumes spanning over, and grounds the dwelling with local granite to reflect the surrounding coastal palette of rock and shale. The suspended floor also allows for services, drainage and grey water collection to be located below without the need for further excavation of the ground, and particularly given the visible bedrock at the surface level of the site. Despite this elevated floor level to protect the habitable parts of the house from flooding, the low-linear single-storey form sits below the ridge level of the existing house.
Our design will result in a home that embraces the elements while creating a sanctuary from their effects.
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